Monday, April 8, 2013

My name is Alvaro, i was born on april 11 of 1991. I have 21 years old and currently i live with my family in Santiago ( in/on the downtown). We're a three-number family: my mother, my little brother and me.

My school life was a little weird , I was in 5 or 6 schools ( i don't remember the correct number). This situation was for different motives:search a better scholar options, changes in the work of my parents and undisciplined attitudes ( and some fights). In 2011 i registered in the University of Chile in the career of sociology and I study here (at the moment). I do others  activities related with writing (my frustrated dream was become a writer).

When I was 15 years old I became interested in the martial arts, I learned some of tang su do (korean karate), taekwondo and a few of box but in this moment  I don't practice any of this things ( now I am  a lazy person, but i still train some days). I like walk around the city, go to concerts, to the stadium ( in a part of my life i was a bit hooligan, hahaha)....(continue). Other things that i like are: play the bass ( in the past I was a member of a band however because a differences between the others members we separated the group), ride in bike and above all drink beer (I don't know if this is a hobby but is a funny activity, hahaha).

I have not travelled much but the travels that I did, have been very entertaining and memorables, for example in this summer I went to some friends to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In there we were one week in a okupa house  coexisting with friends and peers helping with the workshops that are made in the house, concerts and doing some party.

For now this is all that i remember (or all that i would like tell).


  1. Please. Keep on writing. We would like to know more about you.

  2. Interesting autobiography, I like to drink beer one of these days college pasture with you, as it is a very interesting hobby ...
