Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello , this blog post was inspired in a history that happen me.

A few years a go in a Summer night  I was watching the TV when from the window of  the apartment that I live a bat get inside on the house. A surpirese feeling involve me, It wasn't big but this was the first time tha I saw a bat, then of the surprise a feel curiosity and I try to catch it. The problem was my mother, she didn't like the bat and force to release the bat outside the house. I know that keep this type of animal may be a bit dangerous (because some of them transmit rabies) but the experiece motivate me to get information about the posibilty of have a bat how pet.

I discover that is possible have one but not of any kind, the onl type of bat that may be domesticates are the "flying fox" species, and his domestication could be very easy. This specie are a unusual type of bat with long wings and a frugivore and insectivore diet. The more common of this bats can live for 3 or 5 years but the more bigger can live about 15 years. They have norturnal habits and could be very helpful to solve the insect's plague problems. A good idea to keep happy a bat is spread stick with milk and the bat lick it very happy.

With a few of patience and love a bat would be a interesting option to have in home...

Monday, April 22, 2013

The present entry of this blog be about a person that is not directly related with the sociology but his work has contribute a lot to the type of sociology that I'm interested to develop. His name is Paulo Freire.

Paulo Freire was born in the decade of twenty  in Brazil, in the State of Pernambuco. He grew up in a precarious ambient that influenced the form and methodology of his work.  In 1943 he register in the University of Recife, in there He study laws and philosophy, but he didn't practice in this professions.  When Paulo Freire leaves the University, He starts to work in  the Culture and Education Department of  the Social Service, in the State of Pernambuco. In this work He has the first chance for apply his methodology, the "Popular Education". More late in 1961 He works in association with the University of Recife in the implementation of educational politics destined to solve the analfabetism of the rural people (the methodology not only are destined to this , also contain a political speech that try to recover the class identity and the liberation of the working-class). In 1964 he woks in Chile (He come here because in Brazil he was hound for the dictatorship)where he work with rural and popular-class groups and also publish his firsts books: the education how practice of liberation and the oppressed pedagogy (that was censored in chile when was publish). He died in Sao Paulo on May 2 of  1997.

I think that I admire Paulo Freire because he was a man involved with the people, not only in social activities also he was involved in the political formation of the working-class (and low class in general) people. And above all because with his work, Paulo Freire has got break the conventional methods of education that in general are made to contain and void (and repeat the culturals patterns of the dominant class) the thought of the people.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Slayer 2006

Hi, today I will tell you the history of the first concert that I went. I chose this concert because was an entertaining and some weird event: Slayer in the Velodrome of the National Stadium in 2006.
This concert was in 2006 I don't remember the month but was between autumn and winter, I was 14 years old and I recently began the (secondary). The concert was in the velodrome of the National Stadium about 12000 or 13000 people had found in this place, I remember that I have to collect all the money for the concert with my owns hands (because in my house doesn't like the type of music that I listen in this age). For this I sell copy /illegal movies with other friends in the school (at the end we can make enough money to buy the ticket and buy other things). The day of the concert I didn't go to school or in others words I skipped class. I was all the morning of this day and part of the afternoon in a square with other classmates and some friends, waiting for the hour of the concert start.
When we arrived to the Velodrome I was a bit nervous ( when I remember this now, I can't stop of laugh for the pathetic of the situation) because was my first massive concert and didn't was any concert and the public was very euphoric.  Apart of this, the more adult public was very bore with us. As soon as the concert starts the mosh pit make up, I don't remember how was the situation but some guy in the public push me to the mosh ( He tell some that I didn't told now), I got a lot of punches and kicks. However this didn't was a factor to leave ( I was bleeding a few) the concert or feel fear, after this I continue enjoy the slayer's concert, and at the end was a weird but funny experience.
This video was the moment that i more remember because (maybe) was the second time that some one push me to the mosh

Monday, April 8, 2013

My name is Alvaro, i was born on april 11 of 1991. I have 21 years old and currently i live with my family in Santiago ( in/on the downtown). We're a three-number family: my mother, my little brother and me.

My school life was a little weird , I was in 5 or 6 schools ( i don't remember the correct number). This situation was for different motives:search a better scholar options, changes in the work of my parents and undisciplined attitudes ( and some fights). In 2011 i registered in the University of Chile in the career of sociology and I study here (at the moment). I do others  activities related with writing (my frustrated dream was become a writer).

When I was 15 years old I became interested in the martial arts, I learned some of tang su do (korean karate), taekwondo and a few of box but in this moment  I don't practice any of this things ( now I am  a lazy person, but i still train some days). I like walk around the city, go to concerts, to the stadium ( in a part of my life i was a bit hooligan, hahaha)....(continue). Other things that i like are: play the bass ( in the past I was a member of a band however because a differences between the others members we separated the group), ride in bike and above all drink beer (I don't know if this is a hobby but is a funny activity, hahaha).

I have not travelled much but the travels that I did, have been very entertaining and memorables, for example in this summer I went to some friends to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In there we were one week in a okupa house  coexisting with friends and peers helping with the workshops that are made in the house, concerts and doing some party.

For now this is all that i remember (or all that i would like tell).